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Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Kidsgrove Town Investment Plan

Aecom town deal advance payment. The kidsgrove town deal the town deal for kidsgrove is an exciting and unprecedented opportunity to bid for significant investment of up to 25 million to facilitate future economic growth.

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Kidsgrove town deal investment plan kidsgrove town deal board meeting 30th july 2020.

Kidsgrove town investment plan. Any suggested projects or investments should fit with the three themes of the town deal fund and improve newcastle under lyme or kidsgrove as a place to live and work. Kidsgrove town investment plan priorities projects next steps questions. Aecom an independent infrastructure consultancy have been commissioned by newcastle under lyme borough council to develop town deal investment plans for newcastle under lyme and kidsgrove.

Kidsgrove will be the first choice. Residents organisations and businesses are being invited to submit project or investment ideas that could be included in town deal investment plans for newcastle under lyme and kidsgrove. The government announced the 3 6 billion towns fund back in the autumn.

By 2030 kidsgrove will be. Aecom structure town deal guidance and support overview of the kidsgrove town deal progress on priorities town deal advance payment next steps and risks questions discussion. Kidsgrove town centre community interest company business plan draft 2 january 2014 our vision kidsgrove a great place to live and trade our mission statement to develop and sustain trade and prosperity within kidsgrove and its surrounding.

Town boundary and context kidsgrove s assets strengths challenges facing kidsgrove evidence of need for investment key opportunities strategy. A thriving town which builds on its heritage and excellent transport connections to be a place of enterprise jobs and investment. Each plan is aiming to secure up to 25m of town deal funding from the uk government to improve newcastle under lyme s and kidgrove s economy.

Aecom town deal advance payment progress letter submitted in advance of deadline update with mhclg to provide background on schemes no changes to funding ask following review by mhclg. Kidsgrove railway station will form part of the investment plans. Town vision and headline outcomes and or targets for 2030 or beyond short summary of all projects.

Contents of the town investment plan context analysis.

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